cultivate true health & harmony from the inside-out

body • mind • soul


On and off the mat


for the Open Centers

My Wellness Journey

began in early childhood.

Living with a neuro-endocrine condition for my entire life has encouraged me to find alternative, holistic approaches to caring for my body’s changing needs. Because TS specifically relates to the levels of serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline, I guess you could say I really understand what makes people ‘tic.’

It lights me up inside to support others in cultivating more health and harmony between their inner and outer worlds, to find what fulfills them, and create a life they can truly fall in love with…without the burnout. My greatest joy in this work is seeing others step into the light of their true Radiance.

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working with me


/ welnes /

noun, the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.